Healthcare Medical Solutions

// ITier1 MRO - Healthcare

Smart storage solutions for tracking high-value hospital inventory

In the healthcare industry, effective inventory management can be the difference between failure and success. From safeguarding pharmaceuticals with sophisticated temperature-control equipment to offering real-time data and tracking for all your materials, our healthcare automated inventory management solutions keep your facility operating effectively. Organized medical inventory management solutions like our industrial vending machines keep employees efficient while also securing your most precious tools and supplies with authorization-based access controls. Bring greater efficiency, visibility, and dependability to your healthcare facility with custom healthcare automated inventory management from Tier1 MRO. Talk to our team today or schedule your consultation to build your optimized inventory management solution.

  • Temperature ranges from -25 °C to ambient
  • Proactive temperature alerting
Tier1 MRO offers inventory management solutions and project management support.
  • No need to overstock pricey inventory

  • Real time transparency
  • Eliminate wasted man-hours

  • Real time inventory level notifications
  • Evaluate a portfolio of technologies that can help efficiently manage assets.
  • Free up working capital.
  • Minimize waste streams and operating costs.
  • Improve collaboration between departments and the company and its suppliers.
// Case Studies

Discover Our Healthcare Projects

// RFID Tracking Solutions

Let Your Inventory Work for You and Speak to You

// Our Mission

End to End Solutions

Who We Are
Who We Are

Tier1 MRO helps organizations evaluate inventory processes and data, labor habits and costs, tools and materials, and productivity challenges.

Services We Offer
Services We Offer

Tier1 MRO helps clients elevate their value through innovative end-to-end inventory management and control solutions.

Who We Work With
Who We Work With

Tier1 MRO offers detailed operational assessments, consulting services, and turn-key engineered intelligent inventory solutions for various industries


We provide the right technology for your application, regardless of the manufacturer of the equipment.

Vertical Lifts
Vertical Lifts

Existing storeroom space is usually land locked. Vertical lifts increase your effective footprint and accelerate your retrieval time.

RFID Tracking
RFID Tracking

Tool and Part tracking create huge logistical challenges. RFID Tracking allows you to scale as large as needed with unlimited SKU’s, with full accountability.

4G/5G Private Networks
4G/5G Private Networks

Inventory tracking equipment is left off company network due to security mandates. Tier1 provides secure 4G and 5G connectivity to a single point or the entire facility.

// Innovative Services that Bring Results

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Find out what your custom solution looks like. Set up a free initial consultation with a Tier1 MRO professional today.

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